Мод регенирирует здоровье до определённого уровня, что значительно
изменяет геймплей на публик серверах, кому не хватает драйва, привет
из cod 4 .
1 установите EventScripts v2.0.0.248c Public Beta и Es_Tools_v.420
2 перекиньте из архива файлы на ваш сервер
3 пропишите в server\cstrike\cfg\autoexec.cfg
изменяет геймплей на публик серверах, кому не хватает драйва, привет
из cod 4 .
1 установите EventScripts v2.0.0.248c Public Beta и Es_Tools_v.420
2 перекиньте из архива файлы на ваш сервер
3 пропишите в server\cstrike\cfg\autoexec.cfg
es_install healthregen
es_load healthregen
Настройка мода:
// HealthRegen release 6 options
// ./addons/eventscripts/healthregen/healthregen.cfg
// Load this addon with: es_load healthregen
// ***** General options *****
// Maximum health that can be achieved with regeneration
healthregen_threshold 75
// Maximum amount of health that can be regenerated in a round--set to 0 for no limit
healthregen_roundmax 0
// 0 = all players regenerate, 1 = only Terrorists regenerate, 2 = only Counter-Terrorists regenerate
healthregen_team 0
// ***** Regeneration start options *****
// Number of seconds a player must remain unhurt to start regeneration--set to 0 for continuous regeneration
healthregen_start_delay 5
// Minimum amount of health players will have after the first regeneration iteration--set to 0 for no minimum
healthregen_start_health 40
// ***** Regeneration iteration options *****
// Seconds between regeneration iterations
healthregen_iteration_delay 1
// Amount of health to regenerate each iteration
healthregen_iteration_amount 2
// ./addons/eventscripts/healthregen/healthregen.cfg
// Load this addon with: es_load healthregen
// ***** General options *****
// Maximum health that can be achieved with regeneration
healthregen_threshold 75
// Maximum amount of health that can be regenerated in a round--set to 0 for no limit
healthregen_roundmax 0
// 0 = all players regenerate, 1 = only Terrorists regenerate, 2 = only Counter-Terrorists regenerate
healthregen_team 0
// ***** Regeneration start options *****
// Number of seconds a player must remain unhurt to start regeneration--set to 0 for continuous regeneration
healthregen_start_delay 5
// Minimum amount of health players will have after the first regeneration iteration--set to 0 for no minimum
healthregen_start_health 40
// ***** Regeneration iteration options *****
// Seconds between regeneration iterations
healthregen_iteration_delay 1
// Amount of health to regenerate each iteration
healthregen_iteration_amount 2
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