//Movie Config by anX v2.3
//Last updated April 12th, 2007
//Credits: Wim Barelds, CAL|Stone, csflicks.net, Casey's Config, and myself
sv_cheats 1
//Configuration and Menu - F5, F6, F7
bind "F5" "exec movie.cfg" //put this bind in your regular config for one-touch movie.cfg execution on startup
bind "F6" "menu"
alias "menu" "exec movie/menu.cfg"
bind "F7" "sourcetv"
alias "sourcetv" "exec movie/sourcetvmenu.cfg
bind "F8" "demoui"
//Take Single Screenshot - F9
bind f9 "jpeg"
//Record avi - F10
bind f10 "startavia"
alias startavia "startmovie a avi;bind f10 startavib;echo Recording avi"
alias startavib "startmovie b avi;bind f10 startavic;echo Recording avi"
alias startavic "startmovie c avi;bind f10 startavid;echo Recording avi"
alias startavid "startmovie d avi;bind f10 startavie;echo Recording avi"
alias startavie "startmovie e avi;bind f10 startavif;echo Recording avi"
alias startavif "startmovie f avi;bind f10 startavig;echo Recording avi"
alias startavig "startmovie g avi;bind f10 startavih;echo Recording avi"
alias startavih "startmovie h avi;bind f10 startavii;echo Recording avi"
alias startavii "startmovie i avi;bind f10 startavij;echo Recording avi"
alias startavij "startmovie j avi;bind f10 startavik;echo Recording avi"
alias startavik "startmovie k avi;bind f10 startavil;echo Recording avi"
alias startavil "startmovie l avi;bind f10 startavim;echo Recording avi"
alias startavim "startmovie m avi;bind f10 startavin;echo Recording avi"
alias startavin "startmovie n avi;bind f10 startavio;echo Recording avi"
alias startavio "startmovie o avi;bind f10 startavip;echo Recording avi"
alias startavip "startmovie p avi;bind f10 startaviq;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviq "startmovie q avi;bind f10 startavir;echo Recording avi"
alias startavir "startmovie r avi;bind f10 startavis;echo Recording avi"
alias startavis "startmovie s avi;bind f10 startavit;echo Recording avi"
alias startavit "startmovie t avi;bind f10 startaviu;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviu "startmovie u avi;bind f10 startaviv;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviv "startmovie v avi;bind f10 startaviw;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviw "startmovie w avi;bind f10 startavix;echo Recording avi"
alias startavix "startmovie x avi;bind f10 startaviy;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviy "startmovie y avi;bind f10 startaviz;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviz "startmovie z avi;bind f10 startaviend;echo Recording avi"
alias startaviend1 "showconsole;echo Recording limit exceeded. Restart the game/re-execute the movie config to record again.
alias startaviend2 "echo Be careful not to overwrite previous recordings."
alias startaviend3 "echo Find your avi files in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\username\counter-strike source"
alias startaviend "startaviend1;startaviend2;startaviend3"
//Record Screenshots - F11
bind f11 "starta"
alias starta "startmovie a;bind f11 startb;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startb "startmovie b;bind f11 startc;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startc "startmovie c;bind f11 startd;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startd "startmovie d;bind f11 starte;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias starte "startmovie e;bind f11 startf;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startf "startmovie f;bind f11 startg;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startg "startmovie g;bind f11 starth;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias starth "startmovie h;bind f11 starti;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias starti "startmovie i;bind f11 startj;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startj "startmovie j;bind f11 startk;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startk "startmovie k;bind f11 startl;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startl "startmovie l;bind f11 startm;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startm "startmovie m;bind f11 startn;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startn "startmovie n;bind f11 starto;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias starto "startmovie o;bind f11 startp;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startp "startmovie p;bind f11 startq;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startq "startmovie q;bind f11 startr;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startr "startmovie r;bind f11 starts;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias starts "startmovie s;bind f11 startt;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startt "startmovie t;bind f11 startu;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startu "startmovie u;bind f11 startv;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startv "startmovie v;bind f11 startw;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startw "startmovie w;bind f11 startx;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startx "startmovie x;bind f11 starty;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias starty "startmovie y;bind f11 startz;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startz "startmovie z;bind f11 startend;echo Recording Screenshots"
alias startend1 "showconsole;echo Recording limit exceeded. Restart the game/re-execute the movie config to record again.
alias startend2 "echo Be careful not to overwrite previous recordings."
alias startend3 "echo Find your screenshots in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\username\counter-strike source\cstrike"
alias startend "startend1;startend2;startend3"
//Stop Recording - F12
bind "f12" "endmovie"
//Framerates - Control + Arrow Keys
bind "CTRL" "host_framerate 0;echo host_framerate reverted to default. DemoUI is functional again."
bind "LEFTARROW" "host_framerate 30;echo Now Capturing @ 30 FPS"
bind "DOWNARROW" "host_framerate 90;echo Now Capturing @ 90 FPS"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "host_framerate 120;echo Now Capturing @ 120 FPS"
bind "UPARROW" "host_framerate 240;echo Now Capturing @ 240 FPS"
//Demo Playback Speed - Keypad 0 through 4
bind "kp_ins" "host_timescale .25;echo Demo Playback Speed: 25%"
bind "kp_end" "host_timescale .5;echo Demo Playback Speed: 50%"
bind "kp_downarrow" "host_timescale 1;echo Demo Playback Speed: 100%"
bind "kp_pgdn" "host_timescale 2;echo Demo Playback Speed: 200%"
bind "kp_leftarrow" "host_timescale 6;echo Demo Playback Speed: 600%"
//Toggle Player Model - 1
bind 1 "hidemodel"
alias hidemodel "sv_cheats 1;r_drawviewmodel 0;bind 1 hidemodel2;echo Player Model: OFF"
alias hidemodel2 "sv_cheats 1;r_drawviewmodel 1;bind 1 hidemodel;echo Player Model: ON"
//Toggle Crosshair - 2
bind 2 "hidecrosshair"
alias hidecrosshair "sv_cheats 1;crosshair 0;bind 2 hidecrosshair2;echo Crosshair: OFF"
alias hidecrosshair2 "sv_cheats 1;crosshair 1;bind 2 hidecrosshair;echo Crosshair: ON"
//Toggle Radar - 3
bind 3 "toggleradar"
alias toggleradar "sv_cheats 1;cl_radaralpha 200;drawradar;overview_preferred_mode 1;bind 3 toggleradar2;echo Radar: ON"
alias toggleradar2 "sv_cheats 1;cl_radaralpha 0;hideradar;overview_preferred_mode 0;bind 3 toggleradar;echo Radar: OFF"
//Toggle Spectator Bars - 4
bind 4 "specbars"
alias specbars "sv_cheats 1;hidepanel all;bind 4 specbars2;echo Spectator Bars: OFF"
alias specbars2 "sv_cheats 1;showpanel all;hidepanel specmenu;hidepanel nav_progress;bind 4 specbars;echo Spectator Bars: ON"
//Toggle Text - 5
bind 5 "toggletext"
alias toggletext "sv_cheats 1;hud_saytext_time 12;bind 5 toggletext2;echo Text: ON"
alias toggletext2 "sv_cheats 1;hud_saytext_time 0;bind 5 toggletext;echo Text: OFF"
//Toggle HUD - 6
bind 6 "togglehud"
alias togglehud "sv_cheats 1;cl_drawhud 0;bind 6 togglehud2;echo HUD: OFF"
alias togglehud2 "sv_cheats 1;cl_drawhud 1;bind 6 togglehud;echo HUD: ON"
//First/3rd Person - 7
bind 7 "firstthird"
alias firstthird "sv_cheats 1;thirdperson;bind 7 firstthird2;echo Third Person Mode"
alias firstthird2 "sv_cheats 1;firstperson;bind 7 firstthird;echo First Person Mode"
//Toggle Wireframe (Full)- 8
bind 8 "wireframe"
alias wireframe "sv_cheats 1;mat_wireframe 3;bind 8 wireframe2;echo Full Wireframe: ON"
alias wireframe2 "sv_cheats 1;mat_wireframe 0;bind 8 wireframe;echo Full Wireframe: OFF"
//Toggle Wireframe (Models Only) - 9
bind 9 "modelframe"
alias modelframe "sv_cheats 1;r_drawothermodels 2;bind 9 modelframe2;echo Models Wire Frame: ON"
alias modelframe2 "sv_cheats 1;r_drawothermodels 1;bind 9 modelframe;echo Models Wire Frame: OFF"
//Toggle mat_proxy - 0
bind 0 "proxy"
alias proxy "sv_cheats 1;mat_proxy 2;bind 0 proxy2;echo Press 8 to set mat_proxy level..."
alias proxy2 "sv_cheats 1;mat_proxy 1;bind 0 proxy3;echo mat_proxy: ON"
alias proxy3 "sv_cheats 1;mat_proxy 0;bind 0 proxy;echo mat_proxy: OFF"
//Toggle mat_fillrate - -
bind - "fillrate"
alias fillrate "sv_cheats 1;mat_fillrate 1;bind - fillrate2;echo mat_fillrate: ON"
alias fillrate2 "sv_cheats 1;mat_fillrate 0;bind - fillrate;echo mat_fillrate: OFF"
//Toggle Overlay Wallhack - =
bind = "exec movie/overlaywallhack.cfg"
//Toggle Smoke/Dust - Backspace
bind backspace "smoke"
alias smoke "sv_cheats 1;r_drawparticles 0;bind backspace smoke2;echo Smoke/Dust: OFF"
alias smoke2 "sv_cheats 1;r_drawparticles 1;bind backspace smoke;echo Smoke/Dust: ON"
//Standard Movie Commands - F5
con_enable 1
cl_crosshairscale 768 //change according to resolution if desired
cl_crosshairalpha 999
cl_crosshairusealpha 0
cl_crosshaircolor 0
cl_dynamiccrosshair 0
cl_autohelp 0
cl_righthand 1
cl_minmodels 0
cl_observercrosshair 0
cl_radaralpha 0
cl_showpos 0
cl_showfps 0
hud_centerid 0
hud_drawhistory_time 0
hud_showtargetid 0
hud_saytext_time 0
hud_fastswitch 1
mat_monitorgamma 2.6 //for darker maps, use a lower value (2.0-2.2?)
net_graph 0
overview_preferred_mode 0
voice_enable 0
volume .5
//Maximum Graphical Settings - F5
budget_show_history 1
cl_phys_props_enable 1
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1
cl_show_splashes 1
cl_ejectbrass 1
cl_forcepreload 1
cl_phys_props_enable 1
cl_phys_props_max 1
cl_wpn_sway_scale 1
jpeg_quality 100
mat_forceaniso 1
mat_trilinear 1
mat_wateroverlaysize 256
mat_vsync 1
mat_hdr_enabled 1
mat_hdr_level 2
mat_picmip 0
mat_reducefillrate 0
mat_antialias 8
mat_bloomscale 1
mat_bumpmap 1
mat_clipz 0
mat_fastnobump 0
mat_fastspecular 1
mat_mipmaptextures 1
mat_specular 1
mat_picmip 0
mp_decals 500
muzzleflash_light 1
r_occlusion 1
r_propsmaxdist 5000000
r_renderoverlayfragment 1
r_waterforceexpensive 1
r_cheapwaterstart 0
r_cheapwaterend 0
r_avglight 1
r_decal_cullsize 0
r_decals 2048
r_drawdetailprops 1
r_drawflecks 1
r_drawmodeldecals 1
r_dynamic 1
r_eyes 1
r_lightaverage 1
r_shadows 2
r_teeth 1
r_waterforceexpensive 1
r_lod -5
r_rootlod -7
r_3dsky 1
rope_averagelight 1
rope_smooth 1
rope_subdiv 1
rope_wind_dist 1
violence_ablood 1
violence_agibs 1
violence_hblood 1
violence_hgibs 1
exec movie/commandlock.cfg
//SourceTV Controls and Settings
bind "e" "sv_client_predict 0;tv_transmitall 1"
cl_forwardspeed "100"
cl_backspeed "100"
cl_sidespeed "100"
cl_upspeed "100"
cl_yawspeed "100"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "i" "+moveup"
bind "k" "+movedown"
bind "j" "+left"
bind "l" "+right"
//Movie Menu (Console) - F6
echo "========================"
echo "Movie Config by anX v2.3"
echo "========================"
echo " "
echo "Configuration and Menu"
echo "------------------------"
echo "F5 - Execute movie.cfg"
echo "F6 - Clear Console and Bring Up Movie Menu"
echo "F7 - Clear Console and Bring Up SourceTV Control Menu"
echo " "
echo "Recording"
echo "------------------------"
echo "F8 - DemoUI"
echo "F9 - Take Single Screenshot"
echo "F10 - Record avi"
echo "F11 - Record Screenshots"
echo "F12 - Endmovie"
echo " "
echo "Framerates"
echo "------------------------"
echo "Control - Revert host_framerate for Functional DemoUI"
echo "Left Arrow - Capture @ 30 fps"
echo "Down Arrow - Capture @ 90 fps"
echo "Right Arrow - Capture @ 120 fps"
echo "Up Arrow - Capture @ 240 fps"
echo " "
echo "Demo Playback Speed"
echo "------------------------"
echo "Keypad 0 - 25% Speed"
echo "Keypad 1 - 50% Speed"
echo "Keypad 2 - 100% Speed"
echo "Keypad 3 - 200% Speed"
echo "Keypad 4 - 600% Speed"
echo " "
echo "HUD"
echo "------------------------"
echo "1 - Toggle Player Model"
echo "2 - Toggle Crosshair"
echo "3 - Toggle Radar"
echo "4 - Toggle Spectator Bars"
echo "5 - Toggle Text"
echo "6 - Toggle HUD"
echo "7 - First/3rd Person"
echo " "
echo "CVAR Cheats"
echo "------------------------"
echo "8 - Toggle Wireframe ( full )"
echo "9 - Toggle Wireframe ( models only )"
echo "0 - Toggle mat_proxy"
echo "- - Toggle mat_fillrate"
echo "= - Toggle Overlay Wallhack"
echo "Backspace - Toggle Smoke/Dust"
echo " "